Every business owner seeks to optimise their costs without spending extra money on unnecessary fEvery business owner seeks to optimise costs without spending extra money on unnecessary functions. Significantly often, questions arise about the development of sites. And if some features are not in doubt of their importance (for example, clients rarely ask about the need for UX/UI design), then services akin to SEO can be incomprehensible. What are they needed for? Is it possible to do without them? Let’s talk about it.
What is SEO, and what is this service intended for?
SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. All sites on the Internet can be found using search engines. But there is an important nuance. Many sites offer a similar range of services or products. And they do not appear in search results all at the same time. A ranking allows some sites to get to the top of the issue, while others are placed on the last sheets of the list. Special search engine algorithms perform this ranking. Crawler robots analyse each site to determine relevance to the user’s search query. What influences the decision of robots?
- The presence of keywords in the semantics of the site. If the client is looking for cleaning services in Ohio, it is important that the keywords Cleaning and Ohio are present in the site content.
- Compliance of the structure and content of the site with the requirements of search engines. They often change, but the requirements can generally be found in Google Analytics services.
- Absence of gross violations. Content plagiarism, too high keyword spamming, and user complaints can lead to your site being shadowbanned and not being shown to users even with a relevant query.
Keeping your site in line with search engine requirements is the job of SEO. This service is custom, and it consists of services that your site needs directly. Do not think that SEO is instant magic. Often, several weeks of painstaking work pass before the first optimisation results. But on the other hand, under the guidance of professionals, your site can improve performance in several areas at once:
- Increasing sales. The main task of SEO is to increase your sales. And not in the short term, but in the long term.
- Increase in traffic. Traffic is the number of visitors who enter the site. By increasing your ranking in search, more people see your website, and many more visitors come to the site.
- Increasing brand awareness. The more often your site appears in relevant SERPs, the more attention is paid to it. The brand becomes familiar to visitors, and this plays into your hands.
- Work on content. Interesting content sells itself. And the task of SEO is to fill your site and external resources, on which it is promoted with external links, with interesting and useful content.
Do you still think SEO is an optional service? We are sure that you will be impressed with the results if your website is SEOed by the pros from Host Machine.